500 Washington AveUrbana, OH 43078
(937) 653-1412
Urbana HIgh School and Junior High School
- High School Gym is located on the south end of the complex and the Jr. HighGym is located on the north end of the complex.
- Sports played at this complex – varsity football, volleyball, soccer, basketball, wrestling.
- Junior high - volleyball, basketball, wrestling
From the North: Take state route 68 south to the third traffic light (Washington Avenue) turn left on Washington Avenue. Take Washington Avenue for five blocks. The school is on the left.
From the South: Take state route 68 north to the fourth traffic light north of the Urbana square (Washington Avenue). Turn right on Washington Avenue. Take Washington Avenue for five blocks. The school is on the left.
From the West: Take state route 36 east to the square in Urbana. Turn left onto Main Street (State Route 68) Take state route 68 north to the fourth traffic light north of the Urbana square (Washington Avenue). Turn right on Washington Avenue. Take Washington Avenue for five blocks. The school is on the left.
From the East: Take route 36 or route 29 west to Jefferson Avenue (McDonalds on the corner) Turn right on Jefferson Avenue. Go four blocks to Washington Avenue and turn left on Washington Avenue. Go through one traffic light and the school will be on the right.
Urbana Boyce Street Athletic Complex
-Sports played at this complex – JV football, freshman football, track, baseball and softball
- Middle School - football, track
From the North: Take state route 68 south through two traffic lights, as soon as you cross the railroad tracks turn left on Boyce Street. Go approximately nine blocks on Boyce Street. Boyce Street will dead end into the Boyce Street complex.
From the South: Take state route 68 north. Go through four traffic lights north of the square. Just before you cross the railroad tracks turn right onto Boyce Street. Go approximately nine blocks on Boyce Street. Boyce Street will dead end into the Boyce Street complex.
From the West: Take state route 36 east to the square in Urbana. Turn left onto Main Street (State Route 68) Go through four traffic lights north of the square. Just before you cross the railroad tracks turn right onto Boyce Street. Go approximately nine blocks on Boyce Street. Boyce Street will dead end into the Boyce Street complex.
From the East: : Take route 36 or route 29 west to Jefferson Avenue (McDonalds on the corner) Turn right on Jefferson Avenue. Go eight blocks to Boyce Street. Turn right on Boyce Street. Boyce Street will dead end into the Boyce Street complex.